Director: Niki Caro
Writed by: Elizabeth Martin
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Disney: No Mushu. Fans of Mulan: Aight that's it, Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! Dishonor on you! Dishonor on you cow...
I DONT NEED LIVE ACTION REMAKES OF EVERY DYSNEY MOVIE. Am I the only one that is mad over the fact Jackie Chan isnt the father. Why do they have to remake everything? Ive watched more than 10 Mulan based movies through my life including the Disney version. I dont mind watching yet another version (I love Disney movies) but there are so many great stories out there that havent been made into a movie yet. Wow but still no mushu in the movie.
Ive rewatched this too many times
Damn it. The first trailer looked so promising. I was looking forward to a more realistic Mulan movie without speaking dragons and a cricket. But now they added a stupid witch and pheonix. I‘m just disappointed. 2013 : finding Elsa 2019 : Finding secrets siren 2026 : finding Samantha. Everyine is talking about no Mushu. Cri-kee : hold my beer. Willemijn Verkaik-best girl! She have the most beautiful and powerful voice from all of them. People be doing stuff like this while i still draw dots as eyes. Finally a Disney movie that we can actually call a remake. [Watch Online HD 1080p]… Watch Mulan 2020 Online MOJOboxoffice.
The Great Stone Dragon. People be doing this where I cant even draw a stick figure. Disney: Dragons and crickets aren't real so Mushu and Cri-kee will not be in the new Mulan. Also Disney: Shape shifting witches are real and will be in the new Mulan. It's important that it's realistic to the world of animation, otherwise it'll take out all the magic. Lion King 2019 are you listening. Its time to acknowledge how gorgeous Elizabeth Olsen looks. Oh yeah, I'm going to see this 'Day One 👏. Ahhhh. Looks awesome. So excited. One of the best trailers Ive ever seen. So awesome.
Adviser: pretends to write some stuff Emperor: bows Also Adviser: continues taking notes Also Adviser: notices the Emperor bowing and promptly face-plants on the floor. It's nothing like the animated movie but deffently seems like a good watch definitely seeing it. McDonalds is gonna have to bring back the Szechuan sauce for mulan. If they can bring Han back why can't they bring Gisele back? Oops sorry, wrong movie.
No other scene in a Disney princess film has ever given me chills like this one. After seeing some of this trailer, I am FINE with it not being a musical. All I need is an epic rendition of I'll Make A Man Out Of You during a training sequence and maybe a choir near the end. I'm straight. I'm good with this.
Cant wait to see this. Finally an Asian movie represent! And it looks really good, idc about Mushu its not about the dragon but the story itself and Mulan! Tired of hearing no Mushu no watch, stfu already. Marvel: releases 3 trailers in 1 Marvel Nerds: begin hyperventilating. No dragon in this movie. Yup, Disney sure knows how to attract viewers... Donnie... Ehem... Jet Li. Free. Mulan" full'Full'Movie'Watch'Online} Mulan movie Mulan dual audio download mulan on youtube, MulAn TorreNt WiThOut PAyiNg….